Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today is the day.

Can I just say that it felt amazing to get my workout done in the morning. I have been doing my workouts late evening because it worked well for everyone's schedule, and while I didn't mind it the freedom to do it in morning is AMAZING.

So, if I am going to do this the right way I need to take measurements of my body and every 30 days I will remeasure. I am going to weigh myself once a week (which is not necessary), but I am personally doing a Biggest Loser Challenge with my April 08 momma's and a weigh-in is a requirement for myself.

Here they are....all out in the open:

Day 1:

Bicep: 12 1/2 In
Chest: 37 1/2 In
Waist: 34 In
Hips: 40 In
Thighs: Left 24 In Right 23 1/2 IN

Can I just say how amazing Turbo Fire is. I have NEVER in my life pushed myself more in a workout. EVER. I am still dripping with sweat 15 minutes after it is complete. It is everything you want it to be, and more.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On my own.

My workout buddy informed me tonight, that she is no longer going to be able to make our nightly workout routine as part of her schedule.

Just seeing the words on the text message I initially thought two things. The first is that I have relied on her coming as my motivation to workout. If she was not here, I think I could have EASILY thrown in the towel long before. The second was that if I am really going to do this, I need to do this for ME. Every day.

Yes, I may have a workout buddy here or there, but it should not interrupt my own goals.

I started this blog tonight as a way for me to finally begin to find "me" in the "mom" that I am.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love to be a mom. Love it. But, I need to focus on myself, to be better in that role.

Tomorrow I am going to start all the way from the beginning of Turbo Fire. Week one: Day 1